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L'Umbria del vino

Concorso regionale indetto dalla Camera di Commercio dell'Umbria

(Continue) Mon Père Metodo Classico Brut - Medaglia d'Argento

Vini d'Italia 2011

Tegolaro 2008, Oscano 2009 e Poggio Canneto 2009

(Continue) Tegolaro appears once more on (award) plaques. The red “Prince of the Winery”, made from Merlot and Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes, offers a 2008 version with great prospects. Its aromatic complexity is rather deep, dominated by toasty notes, black fruits and pink pepper, with a palate still in the process of being defined. Nonetheless, the energy of the fruit holds within it the promise of a bright future; even in light of the new heights it has reached since 2007, in which seemed yet more tangled. The 2009 Poggio Canneto, made from Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc grapes, keeps developing and evolving, for the first time achieved by the means of a brief transit in new wood. The splendid 2009 Oscano, from Sangiovese and Gamay Perugino grape, is intensely fruity and rich in spices on the nose, and warm and enveloping to the taste.

Migliori vini italiani 2011

Tegolaro 2008, Oscano 2009 e Poggio Canneto 2009

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2008 rating 92/100
Impressions: its power and concentration are its best qualities, and always make the first contact with it wonderfully viscous. At first sight, impenetrably black; the nose, of such concentration that to unravel its sweetest fleshiness it requires the structured layers of the tannins to be breached with a deep inhalation, particularly the mint-flavoured and the toasted oak ones. With a finish which is viscous to the taste, at first contact it reveals itself to be dense and pseudo-edible, like the pulp of a dried plum, partially and gently dehydrated by a fiery sun. A wine of not only top firmness, but also of fabulous, supple taste.

OSCANO 2009 rating 89/100

POGGIO CANNETO rating 88 2009/100
The rigor of this wine production is impressive. The concentration detected in the Carlo and Marco Carini wines originates in fact from their careful management and exhaustive selection of the vines. The 2009 Poggio Canneto white is of a traditionally Alsatian richness and softness. The 2009 Oscano, a top contender of great density and roundness, with an uncommon smoothness of taste. The 2008 Tegolaro, an exceptional wine of the highest concentration. Consistently among the most majestic reds of the region, it is balanced and clear. A great wine which eloquently illustrates the virtues of its producers.


Vini d'Italia 2011, Tegolaro 2008, Poggio Canneto 2009

(Continue) Tegolaro 2008 rating 16/20
Impenetrable in colour, exuberant to the nose, of rustic and vegetal traits, substantial to the palate, in which density and freshness coexist.

Poggio Canneto 2009 rating 15/20

Duemilavini 2008

Tegolaro 2005, Poggio Canneto e Òscano 2006

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2005 rating 4/5
A very fine wine starting from the colour, a ruby ​​of medium transparency. It expresses itself with ease through notes of hibiscus, red currant, mint and hints of an incipient spiciness. To the taste exactly as expected: elegant, without exaggerated physical presence, excellent freshness with smooth and well-administered tannins. With a wide and varied finish, elevated for a year in new barrels, it will give its best paired with a succulent, blue Chianina steak.

POGGIO CANNETO 2006 rating 4/5
Of a brilliant straw colour. Banana, wattle and biscuit aromas blend into intense mineral notes. The taste is challenging, characterized by a soft opening, due in large part to the alcohol which ultimately melts in the sapid background. Satisfactory finish of good length. Vinified and aged in stainless steel, it is more of a white meat rather than fish wine. Pair it, for example, with rabbit in porchetta.

OSCANO 2006 rating 3/5
A youthful but not banal nose, with notes of red cherry, violet and refreshing hints of aromatic herbs. To the taste, despite its linear and drinkable structure, it still manages to be pleasant. Clean finish, without any dip towards sensations of bitterness. Matured in a 2nd passage barrel for three months. Excellent with ‘zolfini’ beans and pork gristle.

Migliori vini italiani 2008

Tegolaro 2005

(Continue) Rating 94/100
Impressions: its aroma is of sublime sweetness: small woodland berry, strawberry, which in order to combine and express themselves so sweetly, need to concurrently satisfy several highly qualifying technical conditions. The flesh/tannin balance, the quality of the notes released by the oak, the duration of contact, the absolute transparency in the oenological process of transformation and development. Throughout: the quality of the origin of its bluish native grapes. And here its crystal-clear definition as well as the lymph and chlorophyl sweetness of its aroma and perfume is limpidly beautiful: notes that secure its transformational oenological integrity to levels of purity which are truly and powerfully enveloping. A Bordeaux grand cru of Apollonian olfactory clarity. Among the best red wines of the year, chapeau.

Duemilavini 2006

Tegolaro 2003, Oscano e Poggio Canneto 2004

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2003 rating 4/5
A charged ruby colour with clearly defined purple reflections. Beautiful nose, rich and complex with black currant, sour cherries in syrup, and barely noticeable hints of spices. Blond tobacco and notes of incense expand its aromatic complexity. In the mouth it seems designed to please the palate: pulpy, deep, warm, with dense tannic texture integrated with the richness of an extract. Great depth and great finish. One year in a first passage barrel. It should be enhanced on a fillet in crust.

OSCANO 2004 rating 3/5
Designed for a young audience, it is an immediately likeable wine, which plays its trump-card with an intriguing and pleasant olfactory approach; small forest berries, raspberries, strawberries, hints of humus, fern, laurel, paint a lively and inviting picture. To the taste, a burst of freshness adds itself to the tannin component and to a prominent sapid charge, throwing the equilibrium of the flavour a little off balance. The finish remains long, and the hard components are the ones which give an easy pleasantness to the taste. It is aged for three months in an oak barrel. Perfectly paired with a vegetable soup with toasted croutons.

POGGIO CANNETO 2004 rating 3/5
Of a light and luminous straw colour. The notes that emerge are of white flowers, acacia and lily of the valley, followed by pineapple syrup, sage, thyme and a mineral base. To the palate it is of a definite sapid and fresh mold, properly backed by a perceptible caloric and glycemic intake. Long and lively finish which allows the fruity and salty olfactory notes to perform in a perfectly coherent way. Late harvest for 20% of the grapes. Aged in steel. Can be paired with fried fillets of tench.

Alm. del benessere 2006

Oscano 2004

(Continue) After a year-long trial run, the new wine from the Carini brother’s estate deservedly wins an Oscar. The Oscano, which was created to accompany the company’s two flagship wines (Tegolaro and Poggio Canneto), as well as to capture a new segment of the market, presents itself as a ruby red of medium intensity. After some initial uncertainty, it opens to the nose in a clear and unequivocal way, with nuances of sour cherry and red currant. Slender taste, very pleasant and of great drinkability.

Guida dei vini italiani 2005

Tegolaro 2003, Oscano e Poggio Canneto 2004

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2003 rating 96/100
POGGIO CANNETO 2004 rating 87/100
OSCANO 2004 rating 84/100

What great virtues can be found in Carlo and Marco Carini’s wines! Whites of a spiced persuasion and fleshy roundedness such as those of the 2004 Poggio Canneto, are very few and far-between and not just in Umbria. To follow, a 2004 Oscano with the luscious turgor of black cherries and of obvious clarity. Then the 2003 Tegolaro: which sits in a different category. The first taste of its black mass of fruit is reminiscent of a Bordeaux, and we tune into the minty cassis prevailing therein, of poignant fleshiness, of powerful concentration, an amiable marriage with the sweet oak balminess of crystalline clarity. When tested once more with the nose, the lymphatic chlorophyl of the Cabernet returns, in the guise of a balsamic blackberry, to intoxicate with its absolutely novel colour and aroma.
This is one of Italy’s best red wines of the year and among the best in Umbria, ever. A champion from the
Winner’s Almanac, which in its blueish appearance, in the lost opening sweetness on the palate of fully ripe fruit, echoes the impact and appearance of the legendary 1985 Sassicaia. Chapeau, Carlo and Marco Carini ,for this absolute achievement.

Veronelli 2005

Tegolaro 2003, Oscano e Poggio Canneto 2004

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2003 OSCANO and Poggio CANNETO 2004

OSCANO 2004 rating 86/100
POGGIO CANNETO 2004 rating 86/100
TEGOLARO 2003 rating 88/100

The Carlo and Marco Carini estate is a 140 hectare complex with a number of out-houses, a hamlet and two small
lakes, not far from Perugia. Its location between the slopes of Mount Tezio and the Trasimeno plain makes it particularly suitable for the cultivation of vines and olive trees. The vines of today’s vineyards grow on the same footprint as those first cultivated by monks.

Vini d'Italia 2005

Tegolaro 2003, Oscano e Poggio Canneto 2004

(Continue) Brothers Carlo and Marco Carini, respectively building contractor and physician, must have had pretty clear ideas when, a few years ago now, they decided to give new impetus to their father’s farming estate. You couldn’t otherwise explain the virtually self-sufficient wonderful microcosm created by the two on the rolling hills half way between Mount Tezio and the plain of Lake Trasimeno. Besides the vineyards, in fact, there is no shortage of olive groves, the wonderful Cinta Senese pigs, bred hare, two small lakes and several out-houses, typical of the Umbrian sharecropping system. What can one say? It is a small paradise in which, unsurprisingly, the new winery also makes a fine show of itself. This is where the oenologist Maurilio Chioccia, brilliantly supported by the young agronomist and wine maker Michael Baiocco and the Maître de Chai Felice La Rocca, succeed in generating exceptional wines every year, wines which strike the right balance between local and international palates, starting with the Tegolaro, perhaps the company’s most representative wine produced from Merlot, Cabernet and Sangiovese-based grapes. Nonetheless, the vintage from the excessively hot harvest of 2003, gives us a slightly more tired product than that of previous editions. The stylistic approach is the same (in complexity, concentration but also in liveliness and elegance), however its accents are not as brilliant as in the past, and the nose is slightly marked by overripe and vegetal notes. A pleasant wine, of course, one however which has a very different potential, at least judging by the first tastings dated 2004. Finally, the white 2004 Poggio Canneto (from Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Grachetto grapes), deserves another ovation, with its rich, fresh and sweetly fruited notes, whilst the 2004 red Oscano made from predominantly Sangiovese grapes with an addition of Ciliegiolo, achieves a great result.

Guida al vino quotidiano 2005

Oscano 2004

(Continue) A pioneering company with regards to its cellar facilities, in recent times it has been achieving results that are demonstrating to be among the most representative in the Umbrian landscape. The Oscano (70% Sangiovese and Ciliegiolo) is a pure-breed red, which to the sight presents itself as a bright ruby colour; to the nose, vinous and fruity sensations prevail, although in the background notes of graphite and wet earth can be detected. Soft and enveloping, it is characterized by sweet spices and vanilla notes: a balanced finish with long and pleasant persistence.

Luca Maroni


(Continue) TEGOLARO 2003 rating 96/100
Impressions: for consistency, balance, integrity, it is among the best of the year and one of the best red Bordeaux blends ever. It displays minty blackberry depths, a complete Bordeaux likeness in its deep convolutions, in the olfactory intake, among veins of mint, eucaliptus and balsamic notes, among coils of blackberry, cassis and black cherry pulp, among boreal winds of icy, chlorophyllic freshness, among the deep sweetness of distilled berries of the forest. Stately bearing, effluence and dense tannin and oakiness of the wood: meticulously metered out and of crystalline purity. A dominant soft suppleness of taste for a mighty, sumptuous blend. A magnificent raw material, of accomplished concentration and maturity. A masterful oenological transformation of this ‘berryish’ treasure: it is a rare thing to feel the throbbing pulsation of nature’s aromas in such a deep and powerfully vigorous manner. The clarity and integrity of aroma which unifies this wine is absolute: the ethereal power of expression of its terrestrial bluish fruit essence.

Il venerdì

Un rosso costruito con un progetto di alta qualità

(Continue) TEGOLARO 2001
It all started at Vinitaly 2001. Carlo Carini had ventured to the most important wine festival in Italy out of sheer curiosity, in order to taste other producer’s wines. Carlo is in construction by trade, and his brother Marco, a professor of medicine. Their parents, Bruna and Armando, owned a large farm in Colle Umberto. Clearly ahead of his time (we are in the 60s) Armando had planted Sangiovese, Ciliegiolo, Grechetto, as well as Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. He produced wine and sold it loose. Now that Armando is no longer around his sons are involved in the management of the business. Now however, following that fateful Vinitaly, embarking on a new project: to produce only high-quality bottled wine. The wine maker is Maurillo Chioccia, the agronomist, Michele Baiocco. For now, there are three wines: the white Poggio Canneto (Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Grechetto), the red Oscano (Sangiovese and Ciliegiolo) and this Tegolaro. Made from Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese, aged for a year in oak and refined in glass, deep in colour, with intense aromas of ripe black fruits (blackberries, cherries) and well-structured, subtle spices, it delivers a rich and harmonious flavour, of lasting pleasure. Available in Perugia from Lombardi, in Rome from Rive Gauche, for approximately 22-25 euros.